A Good Time to Say Thank You

Think about the last time you made a big change. Whatever it involved – a job, a relationship, a move, family, friends, whatever – you were probably at least a little scared. You were likely uncertain. And you were definitely uncomfortable.

It’s a scary thing, stepping away from everything you’ve known to be true. And it’s also a time to pay attention to the things – and people – in your life that really matter.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow in the US; we thought this was the perfect time to acknowledge what we’re grateful for to date in 2022. 

Elena says:
First of all, I’m grateful for the chance to do something different. I think we often start working in one area or one realm and we end up believing that working in any other field just isn’t possible. I’m so grateful that the people who love me most - my sister and my partner - were able to tug at my arm and say, “Hey, you know…if you want to give something new a try, you CAN. We’re here for you.” That support gave me the strength – and confidence – I needed to take on the challenge that is Whisper Speak Roar Media.

Of course I’m grateful for my business partner Suzanne! Our areas of expertise really complement each other so very well. Suzanne is measured and thoughtful when I get wild and irascible. And I’m also grateful that we respect each other enough to have candid discussions about the direction and the future of our business.

And on a more personal level, I got the chance to spend a weekend with my niece and nephew recently. They are 14 and 16 respectively. I realized how incredibly grateful I am that they still enjoy (or at least are WILLING) to spend time with their old Aunt Roo. Two delightful, intelligent, hilarious people. I’m proud to know them and so grateful they know me.

Suzanne says: 
I am enormously grateful to the organizations and friends who said they value my work or asked how they could help. I’m looking at you Chris Wienk, Rob Brown, Angie Enger, Liwanag Ojala, Daniel Gilliam, Anna Williams, Alex Kosoriek, Ellen Guettler, Katie Berg, Piero Protti and my parents who are not on LinkedIn. Jonas Cartano asked me two years ago why I didn’t seriously consider working for myself. I thought that idea was ludicrous. But here we are, one year with Whisper Speak Roar Media, and I’ve never felt so energized by work. 

I am so grateful to have Elena as my business partner. She thinks big and is daring when I tend to hold back in the face of risk. She keeps me accountable to our business goals and I appreciate her confidence and creativity. I also appreciate her friendship and support working through personal and professional challenges. Every day, she gives me confidence that yes, we can do this.

Finally, my family and I have dealt with a lot of illness this year, some due to having a child in daycare and some just due to back luck. I’m extremely grateful that we’ve recovered from those ailments without too many lingering issues. I hope it continues that way!

Thank you for supporting Whisper Speak Roar Media in 2022! Onward!


The SECOND Step to Effective Hosting: Know Where You’re Going


Say Thank You Like You Mean It