Get to Know: Todd Steed

Whisper Speak Roar Media will celebrate our first anniversary on January 4, 2023. We’ve learned a lot over the past year (that’s an understatement, to be honest)! We’ve met a lot of new people this year and, frankly, that has been one of the most rewarding parts of starting this business.

Reaching out to strangers is intimidating for a couple of introverts but we’ve been just delighted by – and grateful for – the kindness and willingness to help that people have shared.

We’ve been lucky enough this year to meet some incredible media professionals and to deepen connections with people we already know and appreciate. So, we’re wrapping up 2022 by talking with a few people we’ve found doing especially inspiring and good work this year, three people who are at three different places in their career trajectories, doing different things in public media.

Today, I’m happy to introduce you to Todd Steed. 

Elena at Whisper Speak Roar Media (WSRM): Hi Todd – thanks so much for agreeing to do this for Whisper Speak Roar Media. Suzanne and I have both really enjoyed the conversations we’ve had this year. I appreciate you being willing to be interviewed! 

Todd Steed (TS): Thanks, Elena! I’m glad to do it.

WSRM: Can you tell me about your current role? What are you doing and where are you working? How long have you been there?

TS: I’m the music director at WUOT-FM in Knoxville, Tennessee. It’s an NPR affiliate with a three-state range. I started out as a jazz host 16 years ago and became music director about 7 years ago.

It’s just a great place to work. Every single person here is committed to the station and the community. The station receives a lot of support from our listeners and the University of Tennessee, which makes our programming possible.

WSRM: I’ve enjoyed listening online! Your programming is quite unique – and everyone at WUOT is super engaging. Now, you and I had a call recently and you told me that you host a VERY cool sounding podcast.

It’s called “Improvisations To Go” and it’s an exploration of jazz, uncomfortable travel situations, food, tea, art, bus stops – whatever you find along the way.

Okay, tell me about this podcast! Where in the world did this idea come from?

TS: I have always been a fan of travel journals and books but writing my own sounded exhausting. A podcast, on the other hand, sounded more manageable and more fun, too. This particular podcast came about as I was thinking about how I could combine my love for jazz, great cities, trains, and food. I found that just talking about jazz felt a bit tiresome so as the podcast has evolved, there is a lot more food involved! The next season takes place in Denver and San Francisco. Ultimately, the podcast is a celebration of amazing people and places. And amazing dim sum.

WSRM: And you do this podcast as part of your work with WUOT? How do you find the time between your other roles as host and Music Director?

TS: Fortunately, both the podcast and hosting are so enjoyable I don’t mind adding on extra hours.

WSRM: Tell me about the kinds of feedback you’ve gotten from listeners about this podcast.

TS: They seem to respond to the episodes with more storytelling, particularly when things go wrong. I try not to intentionally make things go wrong while traveling, of course. But when they do, I take a lot of notes. And things almost always go wrong.

WSRM: What’s been your most memorable trip so far – and why? 

TS: They have all been really memorable. I think maybe the most exciting of this season coming up, which involved a train trip from Denver to San Francisco. Some people on the train had a miserable trip so I’m going to have to tell their stories instead of mine because for me, nothing really went wrong. I was really amazed how differently people reacted to the same journey.

WSRM: Nice. I can’t wait to hear that – why is it that we really DO want to hear about it when things go wrong?? I don’t know why that feels more interesting than stories about where things go right! I’m curious: where do you want to visit AGAIN?

TS: New Orleans. I felt like four days was just not adequate.

WSRM: What trips do you have planned in 2023?

TS: You know, I think we are going to ask our listeners to vote on it. At some point Chicago and Kansas City must be on the list. New York, of course, but it’s so expensive I have been putting it off. You can do two seasons/cities for that price.

WSRM: Ok, can you share a link to an episode you really love? I want to include that here so people can enjoy it with you.

TS: Sure! I’ll share this one, which is the New Orleans show.

WSRM: I don’t know if you know this, but Whisper Speak Roar Media is coming up on our first year anniversary. We’re spending some time thinking back over the past year – what we’ve learned, where we want to go, what our biggest challenges have been, what has surprised us the most, etc. So, we’re asking people what they’ve learned over this past year. 

TS: Let your folks try new things, even if they don’t work. There is no other way to grow.  The truth is, when you have good people things don’t fail that often.

WSRM: Tell me about one of your biggest challenges in 2022?

TS: Trying to navigate in-person events again. 

WSRM: I bet. How about one of your best surprises in 2022?

TS: That the in-person events went so well!

WSRM: Ha! I like that. Todd, you and I have been involved in public media for a long time now. What advice or guidance would you share with someone who came to you and was interested in starting to work within the system?

TS: Work 10% harder than your peers. Be kind to everyone. I’m not sure that’s good advice or that I even follow it, but I notice a work environment where everyone is decent to each other sure makes work more fun.  And creativity blooms when you support each other.

WSRM: Oh, I love that. That’s great advice! Take note! Todd Steed knows what’s what. OK, one more question. Tell me what you like to do in your spare time – besides exploring the country by train? 

TS: For a while I was trying to visit every baseball park in America. I don’t know why, but I punted that. Right now, just trying to make the perfect spanakopita is just as satisfying.   My dog books the rest of my free time.

WSRM: They are demanding, aren’t they. Todd, thank you so much for talking with me. Happy New Year.

TS: My pleasure, Elena. Happy New Year to you. 


Learn more about WUOT and Todd Steed HERE.


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