Authentic Does NOT Mean Unpracticed

As we continue to develop our communications work with business leaders and teams, we’ve discovered something kind of interesting. In fact, it’s a fascinating cultural nuance. We wanted to share it with you and we’d also love to hear your thoughts on this topic, too.

First, let me backup a step. Recently, WSRM has begun doing more work in corporate communications; you can read more HERE. One exciting thing we’re working on? An external communications plan for WatersEdge Wealth Management! More to come soon.

Why are we pivoting to do more work in the realm of communications? Because we believe the skills we’ve spent decades honing in media as storytellers, content creators, strategic thinkers, producers, organizers, and, you know, COMMUNICATORS, make us well-suited to crafting communications plans and strategies for organizations that need help.

In addition to crafting strategies and plans (sweet, sweet workflows!!!!), we’re doing some training with leaders on how to SHARE those plans – not just with their teams but with their clients, too. This has been rewarding work and we’re excited for it to continue.

Now! On to the super interesting thing we’ve learned over the past couple of months.

During our initial discovery call with our clients, we hear that these leaders want to connect “authentically” with their teams and their clients. “Of course,” we say. “That makes perfect sense!”

But as the conversation continues and the work begins, we’ve learned that their definition of authentic is not the same as ours.

To some of our clients, being authentic means being spontaneous and in the moment. It means going “off the cuff” and being “real” with teams and clients. Don’t wait to answer questions! Just answer them! Don’t pause between ideas! Just go, go, go! If we’re excited, then our audience will be excited too! They’ll feel our passion, our energy, and voila!! We’ll connect with them authentically!

Here’s our definition of what it means to be authentic in your communications: to us, speaking authentically means being transparent, sharing candid thoughts about a situation, even vulnerabilities, in order to establish trust and a clear, shared understanding of the situation. This kind of authenticity takes some introspection, consideration of others’ perceptions or emotions, and anticipating reactions.

To some of our clients the idea of planning, practicing, and gaining clarity around words and ideas feels… fake.

“If I have to practice,” they say, “Then I’m not being authentic! Authenticity comes from the heart, from the moment. It doesn’t come from planning out what I’m going to say and practicing the messages I want to share.”

Ah ha! Doesn’t it, though??

Authenticity DOES come from the heart – it’s what makes you, you! And it’s probably what helps you make genuine connections with the important people in your life, too.

However, as a leader, authenticity comes with a responsibility to make sure you’re getting your message across clearly to those who need to hear it.

And that clarity of message – not to mention the intentional work that comes from delivering a message powerfully – requires practice and preparation.

Now, here’s where we bring in some of our expertise to the conversation! This practice and preparation we’re talking about is very similar to being on the radio as a dj.

Sure, you can just turn the mic on and start chattering away to an empty room or studio… but if you’re not planning what you’re saying and if you don’t know to whom you’re saying it… well, how impactful is your message actually going to be? Will what you’re talking about resonate with your audience? Will anyone listen? Will anyone CARE?

We’re working with clients to reframe their understanding of what it means to be authentic. Together, we’re adding more layers to their understanding of what being authentic really means. To us, it means knowing who you are and what your message is. It means understanding why you believe it’s important to share your message. It means putting yourself in your team member’s or client’s shoes and understanding where they are coming from, too.

And it means PRACTICING and PREPARING so that you can deliver a message you believe in and a message you’re proud to call your own.


Imagine: Your holiday programming done by Halloween!


Pivot! Pivot! Pivot!