Imagine: Your holiday programming done by Halloween!

People who work in radio (and retail) share a unique perspective: the minute they see a pumpkin or the neighbor's elaborate Halloween decorations, their thoughts turn to Christmas: What am I going to do for holiday programming this year that my listeners will love? How do I get it done on top of everything else in the next three weeks?

We're here to help. Earlier this year, Whisper Speak Roar Media began offering classical music programming services. We have a special opportunity now for new business partners: For $75/broadcast hour of music programming, WSRM will provide up to 120 hours of curated, relevant, and delightful holiday-themed classical music programming to support your local hosts. This programming will be delivered to you by October 31 and can easily be imported into your existing MusicMaster schedules right away.

We realize you're probably finalizing now the national holiday programs you're going to broadcast. With this addition--the locally hosted, holiday-themed classical music programming--your broadcast holiday plans will be complete by October 31. Imagine if your holiday shopping were done that early!

Holiday programming from WSRM is available for the following days:

  • Monday, Dec. 11 - Monday, Dec. 17: Up to 8 hours of music programming available each day. We call this "holiday light." The music in each hour during these days will be 25 - 33% holiday music. The other pieces in each hour are non-thematic classical music from the repertoire you already broadcast each day. This is 56 hours of music programming available; you decide how many hours you'd like to purchase. 

  • Monday, Dec. 18 - Friday, Dec. 22: Up to 8 hours of music programming available each day. We call this "holiday medium." The music in each hour during these days will be roughly 50% holiday music. The other pieces in each hour are non-thematic classical music. This is 40 hours of music programming available; you decide how many hours you'd like to purchase. 

  • Saturday, Dec. 23 - Monday, Dec. 25: For these 3 days, we have programmed 8 hours of wall-to-wall holiday classical music. This is 24 hours of classical holiday programming available; you decide how many hours you'd like to purchase. 

What do these playlists look like? Do these music choices fit with your non-holiday local music programming? We're happy to send you one playlist from the "holiday medium" days for you to review and decide. 

How this works: You tell us how many hours of programming you'd like to purchase and for which days, keeping in mind that the amount of holiday music changes each week. We run an item code match from your MusicMaster library to the WSRM music library. Then you download a playlist file from our website and import it into your MusicMaster schedule for the hours when you want this content to broadcast. Holiday songs that you already have in your database will automatically be linked. Holiday songs that you don't have in your database will appear with a hyperlink to acquire them (usually from PlayMPE, I Like Music or as a direct download from a music label publicist). We have programmed these hours with a very simple MusicMaster clock. Once you have imported this content into your schedule, you can easily add in your normal fixed clock elements like CUTIDs, talk sets, and anything you normally see in your clocks. 

These hours of holiday programming will be ready for download by Tuesday, Oct. 31. Each broadcast hour of programming is $75 with no minimum hours for purchase. This isn't our normal charge for music programming, but we want to help you create a memorable listener experience during one of the busiest times of year for your staff. 

Please reserve your hours of programming by Wednesday, Oct. 18. If you have any questions about the content or the technical process, we'd love to chat with you. Email Elena and Suzanne or give us a call at 651-230-5317. 

Happy Halloween (AKA holiday season kickoff)!

About Whisper Speak Roar Media: Elena See and Suzanne Schaffer each worked for public radio stations in classical music programming for 20 years. In 2022, they started Whisper Speak Roar Media. WSRM supports media organizations through change management, reviewing and improving workflows, and increasing work capacity with finite resources. One of our core business offerings is the WSRM Classical Music Programming Service.


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