How We Help: Communication is Key

We’ve been thinking recently about how we can boil down all the many things we do into a more simple and elegant statement.

We’re coaches, we’re project managers, we’re listeners, we’re evaluators, we’re fractional leaders, we provide support for teams that have none…we do a lot!

But if we boil it all down, if we look at the foundational THING we do, what it is? How do we REALLY help our clients?

And here it is:

We help clients (and friends and colleagues) learn to communicate more clearly.

That’s what we’re doing with every single one of the projects we take on and with every single one of the clients we work with, too.

How, you might ask? Well…

First, we offer training to help on-air hosts (and other talented communicators) develop their skills so they can better connect with their listeners. After all, on-air hosts are the VOICE of a station, the SOUND of a station, and the PERSON with whom your listeners (and potential donors) connect with first. We work with hosts to figure out how they can use their natural skills to serve their listeners in an even more effective way.

Second, we help teams create clarity around projects. We streamline workflows and create communication lines between people who are working on projects together. Incredible as it may seem, not everyone communicates in the same way (gasp!). We help get to the crux of communication issues between teams and we help teams come to a better understanding of their ultimate goals.

Third, we fill in the gaps when folks need us to – for example, we fill in when stations are short-staffed and need help with on-air coverage; we create written content that gets a brand’s message out to clients and prospects; we develop music programming that allows hosts to bring their most creative and engaging selves to a microphone; we bring big, ambitious projects from idea to action to completion, etc., etc., etc. (It has been year of saying YES to … pretty much everything!)

By filling in gaps, we’re decreasing burdens on current teams and that, not surprisingly, inspires teams to be more communicative (not to mention less stressed). Who knew that increased capacity creates increased communication and DECREASES feelings of burnout, resentment, and anger? (We knew. And know.)

Here’s the thing. The world depends on clear and meaningful communication. And whether you’re behind a microphone, behind a laptop, or in front of a Zoom camera, we’re here to help you figure out ways to communicate with your team/listeners/friends/colleagues more effectively. 


Lessons Learned from the “No”


Update: An Easier Way to Program Music